Smashed Avocado with Poached Egg and Kimchi
½ avocado
lime juice
1 clove garlic, finely chopped
sea salt
2 slices Goodness Grains Swiss style bread
2 eggs
1 tablespoon kimchi (or saukraut)
Mash the avocado in a bowl with a squeeze of lime juice, garlic and a pinch of sea salt. Taste and adjust flavours to suit.
Heat a small pan of water over a moderate heat until boiling, reduce to a simmer.
Toast the bread until golden.
Poach the eggs in the pan of water until whites are opaque.
Spoon the avocado onto the toast slices.
Drain the eggs well and sit on top of the avocado.
Add a dolliop of kimchi.
Serves 2.